Frequently asked questions
How will you keep children warm in the winter/dry in the rain/cool in the sun?
In The Patch, we provide a recommended kit list for all seasons. As long as children wear appropriate clothing, they are warm and dry whatever the weather! We have a cosy yurt/cabin with a fire if we ever need a cosy warm place.
The yurt/cabin is a place for resting, napping, reading.
In the sun, we apply sun cream on a regular basis, legionnaires hats and long sleeved tops must be worn, again we provide a recommended kit list. We have covered areas where shaded activities are based. Children are asked to bring in their own sun cream, and we ask that this is applied before children arrive.
In one word I would describe my visit to your setting (a few weeks ago) as ‘magical’. All of the children were completely engaged with either an independent activity, alongside their peers or bouncing ideas of the adults. It was wonderful to see the children’s movement levels, during my visit, and observe the children thriving in this environment.