A day in the Dandelion Patch
Every day in the Dandelion Patch is an adventure; an exploration of possibilities, and a discovery which leads to a love of learning.

Arrivals and transition support
Each child has an individual transition plan and their own trug with resources to support their individual needs. Arrivals are not rushed and we support each child to begin their day in a way that allows them to enjoy their session at Dandelion.

Adult child led activities
Children can choose to prepare and cook a warm brunch with an adult.
This meets many areas of teaching and learning e.g.: Changing states, maths, reading, writing for a purpose, communication and teamwork.
Tool work
Children can choose to design and create models, and toys, on the adult supervised tool table.
Depending on the level of ability tool work may be 1-1 or independent.
Risk assessment
Forming part of our daily site risk assessment, this helps children to be risk aware, rather than risk averse; maths, reading, writing, communication, physical development, independence and executive functioning skills, are all skills that can be nurtured when undertaking a risk assessment at Dandelion.

Fire circle
The daily fire circle consists of
A welcome song, mystery box (philosophy skill building game)
A story (the same story is read each day, for a set number of days, so that children are immersed in text, supporting higher reading skills)
Our handwashing song, including mindful breathing
The sharing of a warm, healthy brunch (brunch is linked to the overview e.g. making homemade bread when reading Little Red Hen.)
The daily fire circle session aims to promote many skills and areas of learning: reading, writing, maths, philosophy and communication skills, story language, and self care.

At this time each day, children may take part in a STEM (science, technology, engineering, maths) session. This is an adult initiated activity focused on science/ maths/ engineering/ maths.
This is often an adult-led experiment /investigation, developing many skills and areas of development, such as: Speaking and listening, reading and writing and physical development.

Lunch with philosophy session
Each lunchtime all children participate in our daily philosophy session. Philosophy supports children to develop higher order thinking skills, meta cognition; it also nurtures the development of respectful and tolerant conversations.
During lunch, we discuss food types and health, an awareness of the food chain and food origins, and eating together as a social skill e.g. waiting until everyone is sitting down before starting.

Adult or child led activities
Children may freely choose to take part in our yoga session, this focuses on mindfulness, physical development, creativity, team skills, listening skills, and calmness.
Group games
From this time, children have a free choice of activities (see above) or self directed play with peers/adults. These activities may include: role play, climbing, reading with an adult, painting, digging, tool table, rolling snack, problem solving, using swings and hammocks, constructing in the construction area (with real bricks, wheels, planks of wood etc), water area (large movable pipes, water play, buckets etc.)